pp108 : Attaching Web Service Interfaces to Service Groups

Attaching Web Service Interfaces to Service Groups

This topic describes the procedure to attach Web service interfaces to Service Groups.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to attach Web service interfaces to a Service Group.

A logical group of Web service operations form a Web service interface. When a Web service interface is attached to a Service Group, the Service Containers beneath the service group fulfill the SOAP request, by executing the operations associated with the Web service interface.

You can attach the Web service interfaces either during the creation of Service Groups or later in the ServiceGroup Properties - <Service Group Name> App Palette.

  1. Click in the Web Service Interfaces group box. The Attach Web Service Interfaces dialog box appears, displaying the list of existing Web service interfaces.
  2. Expand Organization/Package group box and select an Application Package or Organization name from the drop-down list. The associated Web service interfaces are listed in a table.
  3. Select the check box beside the required Web service interface and click Add button.
    Note: In the list of Web service interfaces that is displayed, the icon indicates that the corresponding Web service interface cannot be implemented by any of the application connectors associated with the Service Group. To resolve that, either clear the selection of the Web service interface or add the corresponding application connector that implements the Web service interface. The Web service interfaces are added to the existing list.
  4. Click Done button. The Web service interfaces are displayed in the Web Service Interfaces group box.
  • If you are attaching Web service interfaces in the Provide Service Group Details page of Service Group creation wizard, select the check boxes against them in the Web Service Interfaces group box. If not, the Web service interfaces will not be attached to the Service Group.
  • If you are attaching in the ServiceGroup Properties - <Service Group Name> App Palette, you need not select the check boxes explicitly.

    The selected Web service interfaces are attached to the Service Group.

Tip: To detach a Web service interface, select the check box beside the required Web service interface and click .